These are publications that have been written by FIELAX employees:
- Usbeck, Dillon, Kaul, Lohrberg, Nehring, Ploetz (2023), High variability and exceptionally low thermal conductivities in nearshore sediments: a case study from the Eckernförde Bay, Marine Geophysical Research
- Sirotko-Sibirskaya, Hernández-Cedillo, Dickhaus, Müller, Usbeck (2021), Improved inversion procedure for obtaining thermal properties of marine sediments via expansion of the temperature decay function, GEM – International Journal on Geomathem
- Usbeck, Rössler (2017), Where have you been, Polarstern?, Hydrographische Nachrichten
- Müller, Usbeck, Miesner (2016), Temperatures in shallow marine sediments: Influence of thermal properties, seasonal forcing, and man-made heat sources, Applied Thermal Engineering
- Miesner, Lechleiter, Müller (2015), Reconstructing bottom water temperatures from measurements of temperature and thermal diffusivity in marine sediments, Ocean Science
- Müller, Miesner, Usbeck, Schmitz (2013), 2K-criterion: measuring and modelling temperatures and thermal conductivities/diffusivities in shallow marine sediments, Proc. Conference on Maritime Energy 2013, TUHH, Hamburg, pp. 475 – 490
- Dillon, Müller, Usbeck (2012): Acquiring Thermal Conductivity Data From Shear-Resistant Sediments, Sea Technology