Since December 2020 and ongoing, FIELAX provides thermal conductivity / thermal resistance measurements for cable routes for three wind zones in the Dutch North Sea to be connected by TenneT ( As a subcontractor to Next Geosolutions (, FIELAX conducts most of the surveys using our systems in combination with Next’s Vibrocorer.
At shallow water depths / tidal flats / onshore, the VibroHeat method is not feasible. We are pleased to offer different adapted deployment methods with different geotechnical equipment in close cooperation with Marine Sampling Holland ( Some nearshore and – so far – all onshore tests have been performed with the PushHeat system (a combination of a mini-CPT with a coiled thermal test rod; the picture shows one site on the beach on a stormy day). In 2021, we also expect to deploy downhole technology for onshore locations where a high-resolution TRT profile is required to depths greater than 10 meters. To reach these depths, multiple cycles of drilling/probing will be performed. More information on the methods and additional references can be found at