Processing of physical oceanography data of FS ‘Heincke’

The research vessel HEINCKE of the Alfred Wegener Institute is regularly sailing the North Sea and the North Atlantic. Temperature and salinity of the surface seawater is measured continuously during these voyages. FIELAX has been processing these data since 2015. So far, more than 220 voyages (incl. reprocessing of voyages since 2009) could be made available via the data repository Pangaea ( During Read more

Data Processing

Survey campaigns

We attend and/or organize survey campaigns to

  • acquire and post-process multibeam echosounding data (bathymetry)
  • operate oceanographic and hydroacoustic instruments like CTDs or echosounders,
  • process, manage and visualize scientific datasets.

Polarstern’s PS101: Seamounts and their data

Three colleagues of ours supported a science team around Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius on Polarstern's campaign PS101 to Karasik Seamount in the Arctic. They were responsible for the ship's IT infrastructure, the operation of the echosounders ATLAS Hydrosweep and Parasound as well as analysis, processing and documentation of acquired datasets e. g. from underwater navigation systems. Additionally to all that they found a new sea mount close to the Gakkel Ridge. Read more